Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hello everyone. The Mickster is back doing a movie review blog and he's brought a couple of friends along for the ride. Some of you may remember my previous movie review blog, Mind Of Mickster, a project which I was proud of but never felt fully satisfied with. It was missing something. After a lot of thinking, I realized that one of the problems was there was no difference of opinion. It didn't create the discussion and debate I intended it to. Plus, it was a lot of work to keep up with by myself. So how to rectify those problems? Why, bring in two other movie lovers to help you out and provide a different point-of-view, of course. And that is precisely what I intend to accomplish with this blog.

It came together after some phone conversations with my best bud, Justin "The Beer Man" Bryan. I hate talking on the telephone but usually once a week I find myself on the line with The Beer Man for over an hour talking sports and movies. We have a tendency to like a lot of the same movies, with some glaring exceptions (which I'm sure will come up in future posts!). Mostly though, we just liked sharing our opinions on films with each other, and anyone else who is willing to listen. So after talking for countless hours about the film industry, we decided to just start blogging our opinions. We were set to go with just the two of us and then my little brain got to thinking, "What's better than two dudes critiquing movies?" The answer is of course 3 dudes! I approached another friend of mine, Scott "Great Scott" Muller, about adding a third voice to our little project. Great Scott has some "blogging" experience as he has recapped many wrestling shows for a popular wrestling website. That previous work, along with his love of films and pop culture, I felt would make him a great addition to the Critical Dudes. He agreed, so off we go. That's how it all came together in a short amount of time.

This blog is going to be very laid back. One of the problems I had with my previous blog is I felt I had to write a lot about each movie I saw and it became too formal. There are some movies you just don't have a lot to say about, and vice versa. So for the most part, my reviews will be a little more condensed then they were in the past unless I feel like spilling my guts about a certain film or topic. If that's the case, then I will. But I want it to be something that you, the reader, enjoys and will look forward to coming back to time and again. More than anything, I want it to be an interactive blog. Don't agree with one of our opinions about a movie? Fine, let us know. Keep it civil, of course, but debate is good. I hope you find something entertaining here. If you do, let us know. If you think we can improve our game, let us know. Either way, thank you for giving us a chance.


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