Thursday, January 9, 2014


    Hello everybody. Now that the blog is back up and running, and you have been introduced to myself and The Beer Man (Great Scott should have his introduction up soon), lets go ahead and get this party started. For my first post, I'd like to take a look back at 2013 real quick and give you my top 10 films of the far. The reason I say so far is because I still have a fair amount of films to see from 2013 that are considered top-of-the-line. For those that have known me for a while, I'm a huge fan of the Oscars and every year for the last five years I have participated in AMC Theaters Best Picture Showcase marathon, which shows all Best Picture nominees over the course of one or two weekends, depending on how many films are nominated. I'm a huge fan of that event so as it gets to the end of the year, I try to gauge which films may receive a Best Picture nod and I try to hold off and see all of those films at the same time. This has worked out well in previous seasons and it is looking that way again this year. So my top 10 list is not set in stone as I fully expect at least 1 or 2 movies I haven't seen yet to find their way to my top 10. For now though, here is what my list looks like:

1. Gravity - ***** 
My only five-star (perfect) review thus far this year, and easily one of my top 100 films of all-time, maybe even top 50. It's one of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen. See it on the biggest screen possible.

2. The Way, Way Back - ****1/2
A great coming-of-age story that had me smiling throughout.

3. Prisoners - ****1/2
 Hugh Jackman is fabulous as an obsessed father trying to find his kidnapped daughter and her friend.  Great tension.

4. The Hunger Games:Catching Fire - ****
The second installment of the popular series finds Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen thrust back into a battle of survival.

5. The Conjuring - ****
James Wan has given us three of the top horror films in the last decade. This, along with Insidious and Saw, have renewed my faith in horror.

6. Mud - ****
 Matthew McConaughey's resurgence continues. I believe Mud is his finest work.

7. Parkland - ****
 A great film showing how the assassination of President John F. Kennedy affected the lives of several individuals in Dallas that day.

8. World War Z - ****
This Brad Pitt zombie pic really surprised me. A lot of fun.

9. Rush - ***1/2
 A true story about a Formua One racing rivalry in the 70's. A weak first hour is saved by an emotional second half.

10. 42 - ***
Biopic about legendary ballplayer Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier.

That's my list for now, but like I said, it is likely to change in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.


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