Tuesday, February 25, 2014

“Great” Scott’s Greater than Great DVD Review of Killing Them Softly (2012)

“Great” Scott’s Greater than Great DVD Review of Killing Them Softly (2012)


Killing Them Softly


One-Sentence Summary

Three morons with no backstory rob a card game run by the mob, so the mob sends Brad Pitt to kill them…softly.

What’s Great About It

The acting is solid…and the soundtrack is good.

What’s Not-So-Great About It

Pretty much everything else is horrible.  Scenes take forever to end; I don’t care about any of the characters; the story is about as bland and “from point A to point B” as it gets; and the director is clearly trying to cram in as many “look what I learned in film school” things as he can. 


Gg (1.5 out of 5)


Boy oh boy, where to begin.  First, let’s get the good out of the way.  Every person in this movie plays their role admirably.  Brad Pitt, as mob enforcer Jackie Cogan, does a great job and you can tell he isn’t even trying.  Ray Liotta plays a sniveling weasel as good as anyone.  James Gandolfini is excellent as a drunken, sex-crazed, not-so-great-anymore hitman.  The two guys who play the lead roles are lesser-known actors, but both do a job of playing idiots really well.

That’s about where things go south.  We get no backstory on either of the two dimwit robbers except that one is currently stealing dogs to make enough money to buy drugs to sell…other than that, there’s really no reason to want to see these guys succeed or fail…I didn’t even NOT like them…I couldn’t have cared less.  The same holds true with Brad Pitt’s character…he seemed like a better guy than the two morons, but I still didn’t really care, in the grand scheme of things.

The worst part of this movie is that scenes went on for evvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Dear Lord, this script must’ve been three million pages long, or the actors were paid to ad lib by the word.  The worst part was that most of these verbose scenes had nothing to do with the plot.  I got that Gandolfini’s character was a sex addict after the first five minutes he talked about it…the next 15 minutes were overkill. 

Lastly, the director of this movie included so many things that just shouted, “Look at what I can do!”  Normally, I don’t spoil movies, but this movie spoiled my evening, so I’m going to return the favor.  One example is when Ray Liotta gets killed; his death is so overblown that I couldn’t help but laugh.  Another scene involves one of the idiot robbers trying to ask his friend some questions while his friend is stoned…the effects used to show the “stonedness” are cool for all of about two minutes…the next five or six minutes of it grate on the nerves.

So, if you’re up for a caper movie, go watch Usual Suspects, even if you’ve seen it already.  Or, watch the one part of Pulp Fiction again, the part where they rob the diner.  Or, if you simply MUST see Brad Pitt in a caper movie, watch any of the Ocean’s movies…even Ocean’s Twelve, which was sorta’ terrible.  Even it was better than this.

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